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An online event where school students meet and interact with scientists. Between scientists, where students are the judges. Students challenge the scientists over fast-paced online text-based live CHAT. The scientists anything they want, and VOTE. Take me to the Learning Zone.
About the Green Chemistry Zone. In this zone we will look at chemists trying to limit the impact of industrial processes on the environment, as well as those looking at ways for us to use fewer natural resources, or turn waste products into useful materials.
Holmium is a very soft silvery metal that has the highest magnetic strength of all metals. Therefore, it is used to create the strongest artificial magnets. This is a general science zone, where we will meet five researchers from completely different areas of science.
About the Immune System Zone. Red and white blood cells. The immune system is made up of structures and processes which protect us from disease. White blood cells are one of the main components of our defense system.
The world around us is made up of molecules. The smallest droplet of water, or speck of dust will contain millions and millions of molecules. A single grain of sand is made up of around 20 million, million, million molecules of silicon dioxide. You can learn more about the five chemists in this zone, and how they work with molecules by reading their profiles.